Monday, August 6, 2007

Scientists Discover Clues To Rosacea Skin Ailment

A new study by scientists from the US, France and Japan appears to have found what causes acne rosacea to develop, a common inflammatory skin ailment that affects the over 30s and is also known as adult acne.The research is published in the advanced online edition of the journal Nature Medicine and was led by Dr Richard L. Gallo, professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Dermatology at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine and the Dermatology section of the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System.Acne rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that affects about 14 million Americans between the age of 30 and 60 and is more common in women than in men. It is more likely to affect fair skinned people of European or Celtic descent. Rosacea is characterized by facial redness (erythema), bumps and pimples (papulopustules), and spider veins (telangiectasia). The condition is chronic and gets worse over time. It is cyclical and flares up for weeks and months and then subsides. There is no effective treatment although antibiotics are sometimes prescribed with mixed results.Triggers for rosacea usually involve anything that causes the face to become flushed such as demanding exercise, sunburn, stress, anxiety, and sudden changes in temperature like moving from a cold to a hot environment. Other triggers arise from food and drink that cause flushing such as alcohol, hot caffeine drinks (tea, coffee), and certain spicy foods. Rosacea can even be triggered by blushing with embarrassment.The scientists found that people with rosacea have high levels of the anti microbial peptide cathelicidin in their skin and the proteins this produces are different to those found in people who do not have the disease. Another important contributor is an enzyme called stratum corneum tryptic enzyme (SCTE).

If you want to know more on these news please visit the following link :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rosacea is an awful condition to have and affects a large amount of people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Luckily I have found a rosacea treatment which can overcome this problem significantly, reducing the redness and also one which has been shown to work in 80% of cases. It is called Synchrorose and is available from this brilliant rosacea treatment website.

Thanks for reading, Burnface Rovers